Environment. Social. Governance.
Our approach to corporate social responsibility

Important non-financial issues
Key environmental, social and governance issues
We encourage employees and stakeholders to take an active stance and promote initiatives that protect the environment.
ZERO Violations of environmental protection regulations
In 2023, OEX Group companies recorded no violations of environmental protection regulations that led to administrative proceedings or penalties.

Indicators related to the social area are our Key Performance Indicators.
OEX Team
Selected achievements of OEX Group companies in creating a friendly workplace:

Respect for Human Rights
We operate in EU, where the provisions of applicable law ensure respect for human rights, in particular the right to decent working conditions and remuneration, a ban on the use of child labour and forced labour, as well as a ban on discrimination.
Data as of the end of 2023
four thousand people in all forms of employment
share of women among full-time employees
of employees employed full-time aged 18-29

We share knowledge
OEX Group companies host a key annual industry event focused on customer experience.
We support local communities
We conduct activities aimed at raising awareness of important social problems and engaging our employees in the implementation of projects in the area of social responsibility.

We prioritize compliance with regulations and enforce a zero-tolerance policy for irregularities, helping to mitigate reputational and financial risks. Additionally, we focus on raising awareness of important social issues and engaging our employees in socially responsible projects.

We are a reliable partner
for enterprise projects
