Privacy Policy and Protection of Personal Data OEX S.A.
According to art. 13 of Regulation of European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 from 27 April 2016 in the matter of protection of physical persons in connection with processing of personal data and in the matter of free flow of such data and repealing directive 95/46/WE (general regulation about data protection), Dz.U.UE.L.2016.119.1, further called: "GDPR", OEX S.A. passes the following information:
Table of contents:
I. Protection of personal data
II. Cookie Files
III. Inspector of Personal Data Protection OEX S.A.
I. Protection of personal data
- Data Administrator
The administrator of personal data of person using the website, including contacting through electronic mail with OEX S.A. or contact form (further: "User"), is OEX S.A. with headquarters in Warsaw, at ul. Klimczaka 1, 02-797 Warsaw. With administrator one can contact at address of his headquarters or by mail -- at address: - Inspector of Personal Data Protection
In matters connected with given by User personal data, User can contact with appointed by OEX S.A. Inspector of Personal Data Protection (IODO): Maciej Kaczmarski, Klimczaka 1, 02-797 Warsaw, e-mail: - Goals and legal bases of processing
Personal data of User are processed on below legal bases, in goals:
A. Giving feedback information on User's question, handling of matter and possible pursuit of claims or defense against such claims -- on basis of art. 6 par. 1 let f GDPR -- that is legally justified interest of Administrator, consisting in maintaining proper relations with Clients/potential Clients or other contacting persons.
B. Presenting offer, if inquiry contains request for offer -- on basis of art. 6 par. 1 let b GDPR -- processing necessary to take actions on request of person, whom data concern, before concluding contract.
C. Sending commercial information, including marketing, with use of telephone connections and/or electronic mail, what constitutes legally justified interest of administrator (under condition of obtaining appropriate consents on basis of separate regulations) -- on basis of art. 6 par. 1 let. GDPR - Period of storing data
Personal data of User will be stored not longer than through period of 3 years from day of sending last message. In case of ongoing dispute or court proceeding, period of storing will be counted from day of its legally binding ending. In case of processing based on consent -- personal data are processed not longer, than until its withdrawal. In case of processing based on legally justified interest -- personal data are processed not longer, than until time of effective submission of objection. - Recipients of data
Personal data of User are not transferred to third entities, besides following entities: subsidiary companies OEX S.A., providers of IT services and information systems, legal and business advisors, providers of services Google Analytics. - Transfer of data outside EOG
Administrator uses analytical tools, in connection with which some data of User (unique advertising identifier, address IP, location, activity in Internet) are transferred to USA on basis of decision of European Commission, recognizing adequate level of data protection. Besides that Administrator does not transfer data to other third countries nor international organizations. Administrator uses following tools, with help of which collects and processes data about users:- Google Tag Managersome text
- Implementation tool serving to manage tags on page
- Does not collect directly personal data
- Serves to technical implementation and managing other tools
- Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
- Collects data about behavior of users on page
- Analyzes paths of conversion and way of using service
- Creates statistics and reports about traffic on page
- Period of storing data: 26 months
- Goal: optimization of page and improvement of quality of services
- Google Search Consolesome text
- Collects data about traffic from search engine Google
- Analyzes visibility of page in search results
- Delivers information about technical errors
- Goal: improvement of visibility of page in search results
- Google Adssome text
- Collects data about advertising campaigns
- Tracks conversions and effectiveness of advertisements
- Delivers information about effectiveness of marketing actions
- Goal: optimization of advertising actions
- Hotjarsome text
- Collects data about behavior of users
- Creates heat maps showing activity on page
- Registers sessions of users
- Period of storing data: 365 days
- Goal: analysis of user experience and optimization of interface
- Cookiebotsome text
- Manages consents for files cookie
- Displays banner with settings of privacy
- Stores preferences of users concerning cookies
- Goal: ensuring compliance with regulations about protection of privacy
- Administrator informs, that in connection with using external analytical and marketing tools, data of User (including unique advertising identifier, address IP, location, activity in Internet) can be transferred to USA. This concerns following tools:
- Google Analytics 4
- Google Ads
- Google Search Console
- Hotjar
- Google Tag Managersome text
- Rights of User
In connection with processing of personal data, User has right to:
A. Withdraw consent for processing of data (when basis is consent)
B. Demand:some text- Access to data and their copy (first copy free of charge)
- Rectification of not current or incorrect data
- Limitation of processing of data
- Transfer of data
- Deletion of data ("right to be forgotten")
- Right to objection
You have right in any moment to submit objection against processing of personal data. After receiving objection we will stop processing your data in goals indicated in objection, unless we will show:- Existence of legally justified bases for processing, superior towards your interests, rights and freedoms
- Bases for establishment, pursuit or defense of claims
- Contact in matter of personal data
In case of questions or will to use belonging rights, we ask for contact with IOD:, Klimczaka 1, 02-797 Warsaw. - Complaint to supervisory organ
In case of violation of regulations about protection of personal data, belongs right of submitting complaint to President of UODO (ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw, - Automated making of decisions
Towards User will not be made automated decisions, including data will not be subject to profiling.
II. Files Cookies
I. Introduction
- We are glad, that you visited our internet page. We want, that you would feel on it comfortably, therefore we prepared for you present policy of files cookie (that is popular "cookies"). Thanks to it you will learn among others:
A. What are files cookie?
B. What files cookie and for what we apply?
C. How they influence on your privacy?
D. What entitlements belong to you on power of GDPR and Law of electronic communication (1.Regulation of European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 from day 27 April 2016 in matter of protection of physical persons in connection with processing of personal data and in matter of free flow of such data and repealing directive 95/46/WE (general regulation about protection of data). 2 Law from day 12 July 2024 -- Law of electronic communication (Dz.U. 2024, pos. 1221).
II. What are files cookie?
- Files cookie are small text files, which are saved on your computer or smartphone during displaying our internet page. There exist different kinds of files cookie. We divided them for you on two groups:
A. Necessary for using our internet page. B. Remaining.
- Files cookie, which are necessary for using our internet page, serve among others to ensuring stability of its functioning (measure traffic, securing us before its overload), remembering chosen by you preferences concerning privacy, filling made available by us forms on-line, saving content of basket and monitoring status of logging. We apply them by default, that is we save them on your computer or smartphone in moment of entrance on our internet page (in accordance with art. 399 par. 3 law -- Law of electronic communication).
- Remaining files cookie we use only then, when you will express us on this consent. You will read about them more in next part of our Policy.
III. What files cookie we use?
Necessary files cookie - ensure proper action of our page and its basic functions. Without them you will not be able properly to use from our services online. These files cookie freed are from obligation of obtaining your consent (art. 399 par. 3 law -- Law of electronic communication).
Analytical files cookie -- our page uses files cookie delivered by name of provider of analytical files cookie. Analytical files cookie enable tracking number and sources of visits, thanks to which we can measure and improve effectiveness of our internet page. This kind of files cookie helps us understand, which subpages are most often or most rarely visited and in what way visitors move around on our page. If you will refuse saving on your computer or smartphone analytical files cookie, your visit will not be included in our statistics, but simultaneously it will not limit any functionalities on our internet page. Marketing files cookie -- we apply these files cookie, to personalize contents, which are displayed to you.
Marketing files cookie can be used in our advertising campaigns, which are conducted on internet pages of entities third. If you will agree on using marketing files cookie, you can receive information about internet pages of our trusted partners, on which you reacted on our advertisements. If you will resign from marketing files cookie, displayed will be to you general and not personalized advertisements. Similarly as in case of analytical files cookie, if you will refuse saving on your computer or smartphone marketing files cookie, it will not limit for you any functionalities on our internet page.
IV. Consent for installation of files cookie
- When you will visit our internet page, we will display banner informing, that it uses files cookie. If you will choose option "Allow for all", it will mean, that you accept all files cookie, which are placed on our internet page and you confirm, that you familiarized yourself with information on topic of files cookie and goals of their applying, and also cases, in which data gathered with help of files cookie are transferred to our partners.
- Remember, that in case of necessary files cookie your consent is not required, because files of this kind ensure full and uninterrupted functioning of our page. These files cookie freed are from obligation of obtaining your consent according to art. 399 par. 3 law law of electronic communication.
V. Lack of consent for installation of files cookie
If you do not want, that our files cookie would be saved on your device, you can choose option "Reject all". Choosing this option you will reject all, besides technically necessary, files cookie, which we apply on our page.
VI. Personalization of files cookie
You can adjust files cookie to your preferences. In this goal choose option "Personalize" on displayed to you banner cookie.
VII. Personal data
Because some from used by us files cookie constitute personal data we want, that you would know laws, which belong to you on ground of GDPR:
A. Administrator of your personal data, that is entity deciding about goals and ways of processing, is OEX.S.A. with headquarters in Warsaw, ul. Klimczaka 1, 02-797 Warsaw.
B. Your personal data will be processed in goal of ensuring basic functions of our internet page. If you expressed appropriate (voluntary) consent, your data will be processed also in goal of delivering to you services, offers and communications matched to your preferences and in goal of analyzing traffic on page and ensuring functions social (depending on marked by you preferences).
C. More information on topic of rules of processing of personal data belonging to you rights you will find in our Policy of privacy.
VIII. Withdrawal of consent
In every moment you can change your consents clicking in blue icon presenting "paperclip", and placed in left lower corner of our page.
IX. Changes in policy of files cookie
We reserve right to change present policy of files cookie in any moment. All changes in policy of files cookie will be published on page indicate address of internet page.
III. Inspector of Protection of Personal Data OEX S.A.
1. Contact data IOD Maciej Kaczmarski ul. Klimczaka 1, 02-797 Warsaw E-mail: